Reading Education

Reading Fluency, Comprehension, Writing and Grammar are absolutely critical in your child's development. Read more here
Math Education

Studying mathematics will develop more engineers and scientists, but also will produce more citizens who can learn and think creatively and critically, no matter their career fields. Read more here
Language Arts

Language Arts includes a lessons that teach and reinforce lesson covering phonics, fluency, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing processes. Read more here
Science Education

Science is one of the most important subjects students study, because it gives them the critical thinking skills they need in every subject. Read more here
As part of Star Students Learning Academy*, CalKids Learning Academy is a Private School for grades Pre-K and up focusing on the fundamental subject areas Reading, Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, History, Music, and Art. These areas, we believe, help your child in performing in all elements and environment of living successfully in an age of ever changing pressures and opportunities. Additionally, with after school tutoring and camps we provide variety to ensure their success
Our teachers are highly qualified to provide only the best growth in both day-to-day and long term careers and/or entrepreneurial enterprises.
We look forward to talking with you about your child and answering any concerns you may have regarding their direction.
Social Studies

Social studies help young people make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world. Read more here

History is important in that it helps us understand from the mistakes of our ancestors, so we do not do the same things they did and instead work to become a better place. Read more here

Learning music facilitates learning other subjects and enhances skills that children inevitably use in other areas. Read more here
Art Education

Art education refers to learning, instruction and programming based upon the visual and tangible arts. Read more here
Additionally, we offer classes in Computer Science, Drama, Culinary Arts, Engineering, and other enrichment programs to bring out your child's star qualities.
Realizing that every child learns differently, we at CalKids Learning Academy Private School are experienced in identifying how your child learns (seeing / visual, hearing / aural, or doing / kinesthetic) and then proceeding to teach your child using the methods best suited to their learning style. We serve all children including advanced and gifted children as well as those with educational challenges and, as a Christian based school honoring all faiths, we also encourage the kids in establishing Christian based morals.
Encouraging their critical thinking and observational skills, the children who attend CalKids Learning Academy Private School also experience outside field trips during the school year. These field trips enhance the subject material as well as provide positive memories and the ability to interact socially.
Our graduates have demonstrated through their academic achievements, that our teaching techniques and styles are successful.
In addition to our philosophy, the overall goal of CalKids Learning Academy is to give children the experiences necessary for well-rounded development and organization skills by taking them through our unique levels of learning in a safe environment.
We strive to meet the needs of every child:
- Academically
- Emotionally
- Intellectually
- Socially
- Physically
- Spiritually
These six areas are equally important for a child to have the solid foundation needed to meet the challenges of future years. We are able to provide this through intimate class sizes with teachers experienced, not only in education but in life skills as well.
Classes are conducted in a semi-structured setting providing creativity and exploration in a healthy social atmosphere.
After-school homework help, tutoring, and enrichment programs are available.
CalKids Learning Academy Private School provides the environment your child needs to
Dream, Believe, and Achieve.
*Star Students Learning Academy includes CalKids Learning Academy, CA Tutoring Academy, and California's Best Summer Camp to serve all your child's educational needs.