Language arts (also known as English language arts) is the study and improvement of the arts of language. Traditionally, the primary divisions in language arts are literature and language, where language in this case refers to both linguistics, and specific languages. The American National Council of Teachers of English separates English and language arts into five basic categories: reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing. In elementary school, language arts classes focus on basic reading, writing and linguistic / communication skills. 

Teaching language arts as distinct and specific classes is critically important to learn specific writing, reading, and listening skills, but it is also necessary for student success to take an interdisciplinary approach by applying language arts skills to other subjects.

In Language Arts, students adapt their communication in relation to audience, task, purpose, and discipline. They set and adjust purpose for reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language use as warranted by the task.  This process is very integrated and difficult for most kids, but once they can relate to how it works they become great presenters later on and become very skillful in making a group understand what they wish to demonstrate.